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high-fidelity thermo-fluid topology optimization cloud suite

custom cold plates for high heat density electronics cooling

Data center cooling illustration

Data center cooling

  • Cloud computing

  • High-performance computing

  • AI/ML

Microchannel cooling illustration

Microchannel cooling

  • Semiconductors

  • high heat density electronics

Electric vehicles cold plate cooling illustration

Electric vehicles

  • battery thermal management

  • thermal management of power electronics such as invertors

Power electronics cooling illustration

Power electronics

  • IGBTs

  • Renewable energy

Conventional cold plate for IGBT cooling

limitations of conventional cold plates

  • non-uniform temperature distribution/cooling

  • high pressure drop/pump energy requirements

  • low thermal performance, heat transfer

  • localized heating of power electronics

Cold plate layout
Topology optimized cold plate layout

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Cold plate layout 2
Topology optimized cold plate type 2
Cold plate layout 3
Topology optimized cold plate layout type 3

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Topology optimized custom cold plates designed by Channels cloud suite for different port layouts

Thermal performance cooling

Improved thermal performance

  • maximize heat transfer

  • better distributive/uniform cooling

Minimize pressure drop

  • reduce energy requirements

  • improve operating efficiency

Pump overhead or pressure drop illustration
Improved product life cycle illustration

Improved life cycle of cooled electronics

  • better cooling, better performance

  • uniform cooling prevents damage due to heating

Manufacturability by CNC illustration


Additive manufacturing illustration
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